Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Matrices in real life

         The most commonly used concept in mathematics is matrices. matrices is base to many other fields  than people would have thought.

  • computer science/IT :-                                                                                                                                                             In many it companies matrices are used as data structure to track user information,perform search queries and manage database. Many system are designed to work with matrices for the purpose of information security. Matrices and inverse of matrices are used for coding and encrypting massages.massage is made as sequence of number in binary format. 
  • Robotics and automation :-                                                                                                                                                    In Robotics for controlling the robots the required inputs are based on the calculation from matrices.Matrices are basic component for the very accurate robotic movements. It is also used in the compression of electronic information. for eg. In the storage of biometric data.
  • Gaming and photoshop:-                                                                                                                                            A square matrix can represent a linear transformation of geometric object. For example in a Cartesian co-ordinate plane(i.e.X-Y plane)the matrix     reflects an objects in vertical y axis.This fact is used in making  video game and graphic software such as adobe Photoshop also uses matrix to render images.                                                                                     
  • Physics:-                                                                                                                                                                    In the study of quantum mechanics, optics and electrical circuit,matrices are used to model physical system and perform accurate calculation for complex mechanics to work.for eg. Electronic network, airplane and spacecraft,chemical engineering also in medical imaging,MRI's scan all required perfectly calibrated computation which are obtain from matrix transformation.                                                                                                                                        
  • Electronics :-                                                                                                                                                              Most of our smartphones are equipped with a high-resolution(HR) rear camera and a Low resolution (LR) front camera.As selfies are captured by front camera with limited pixel resolution,the fine details in it are explicitly missed. The MVR(matrix-value-regression) operator serves as an image pair priory which learns the correspondence between LR-HR patch pair and is effectively used to super resolver LR selfies.The MVR algorithm avoid vectorization of an image patch-pairs and preserves image-level information during both learning and recovering process.                                   


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